....quite a long time actually.

In 1963, the winner of Northcote Bowling Club first year singles trophy was one W.F. (Bill) Thomas.

In that same season he was runner up to G Thomas (Gary, his brother) in the junior singles.

The two brothers then got together to win the intermediate pairs trophy, AND... just for good measure, they teamed up with L Dick, and J Setters to win the championship fours!

All of that, in their first season at Northcote Bowling Club.

Pause for a moment... that was 59 years ago.

For the record, it would cost 7 pounds 10 shillings ($15) for men to play at Northcote that season, and for the first time, members would receive a Club Bowling Fixture Handbook at no extra charge....

This is three years BEFORE the very first Christmas Shield Challenge between Northcote and Birkenhead Bowling Clubs, and four years PRIOR to New Zealand beginning to trade in dollars and cents.


Bill has remained a full member at Northcote Bowling Club since 1963, and over many seasons he has played, he has continually won a  number of our club events teaming up with his brother, other members, and playing in single events, where he relied solely on his own bowling skills to succeed.

A significant highlight early in his bowling career, and one that made the newspapers on both sides of the harbour bridge, was victory in the Auckland Bowling Centre Christmas Fours.



This was a tournament of some significance in Auckland back then, and R Parker, J Setters, W Thomas, and G Thomas (above) were all members of Northcote Bowling Club. They won the event outright in 1965, and finished runners up the following year.

Bill and Gary had earlier played the same tournament at intermediate level, as junior bowlers in 1964, reportedly going down in a semi final playoff against some formidable, more experienced players from the region.

The record/minute books held at the club and championship boards on the walls make for interesting reading.

They are representative of his bowling prowess.

They are also testament to the fact that Bill is always prepared to step up to the plate and involve himself in administration of Northcote Bowling Club, something he has pretty much done since becoming a member.

From joining the Sunday Tournament Committee in 1965, through to Club President in 1976, and many other board of management roles (including many years as Secretary) in between, Bill still found the time to regularly play, and win, Club Championships.

 It is no surprise that the Club voted Bill Thomas as a Life Member in 1989. 



This is the highest honour a Club can bestow upon any player, but it also carries responsibilities for that member should the club endure "an hour of need".

But for the next 20 years Bill just continued as always, helping out at the club when needed, playing bowls and winning Championships.

Then, in 2010, an unusual set of circumstances arose that left Northcote Bowling Club without a Treasurer.

It was Bill Thomas who met his obligation under the Club Constitution as a Life Member, and filled the role for not just one, but FOUR playing seasons.

Bill is not keen on computers, something he did not have in his working life, and no desire to start using as Treasurer.

Board of Management were presented with 'hand written' financial monthly reports during that period - no errors were recorded and all financials, as is usual, were ratified by an Auditor each year. 

To this day, Bill continues to involve himself with administrative activities to help the club function properly, and albeit less frequently, he still plays bowls.



As a member of Northcote Bowling Club for sixty years (and counting), a lot of adjectives would have been used to describe W.F. (Bill) Thomas - perhaps some being less than complimentary by those he defeated on the green! 

But overall he has earned the respect of many members for his dedication to the club, and his 'never give in' approach to bowls. 

                                              Above everything else, Bill has always been, and continues to be:   







Article added: Sunday 31 October 2021


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